What's New at Interprenet?
Read all the latest from Interprenet, the global language service provider connecting the world with a distinct blend of human and tech-forward solutions.

April 30 2021
Head of Sales, Mari Perez, Featured in PinchForth
Mari Perez, Interprenet's Head of Sales, was recently featured in PinchForth . She shared about how Interprenet...

April 19 2021
Benefits of Multilingual Meetings: The Real Power of RSI
An ever-expanding and globalized world provides new opportunities for businesses and organizations, big or small, to...

March 17 2021
Real Time, Live Human Captioning in Every Language
Do you need your event captioned in real time for your live and remote audience? Interprenet offers live, accurate...

February 20 2021
Remote Certified Court Interpretation for Every Person, Language and Hearing
People deserve their day in court. In legal proceedings, allowing people to have their moment to be heard and...

February 15 2021
7 Project Management Best Practices for Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI)
There is a difference between doing several tasks at the same time and being an effective project manager. Interprenet...

January 19 2021
Keys to Successful Interpretation: Platform Agility and Expertise

November 20 2020
Simultaneous Interpretation, 75 Years Old Today
The Nuremburg Trials began on November 20, 1945 and so did Simultaneous Interpretation. Up to this point consecutive...