User Guides
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To access the English user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Arabic user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Chinese user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the French user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Greek user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Indonesian user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Italian user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Japanese user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Korean user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Polish user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Portuguese user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Russian user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Turkish user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Ukrainian user guide "AI Speech Translation via Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Interprefy Now via Smartphone App | Host", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "Interprefy Now via Smartphone App | Host", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Interprefy Now via Smartphone App | Participant", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "Interprefy Now via Smartphone App | Participant", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Arabic user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Chinese user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the French user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the German user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Greek user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Italian user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Japanese user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Portuguese user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Russian user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Ukrainian user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Vietnamese user guide "Browser App", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Assigning Interpretation in a Zoom Meeting | Host", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Enabling the Interpretation Feature on Zoom | Host", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Arabic user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Brazilian Portuguese user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Chinese user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Dutch user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the French user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Greek user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the German user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Indonesian user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Japanese user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Korean user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Polish user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Russian user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the Vietnamese user guide "Interpretation on Zoom", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Listening to Interpretation on Zoom via Smartphone", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Zoom Interpretation Module for Interpreters", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Language Selector Widget", CLICK HERE.
To access the French user guide "Language Selector Widget", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "Language Selector Widget", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "How to use Interprenet Portable Transmitters", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "How to use Interprenet FM receivers", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "ASR Smartphone App | Captions", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "ASR Smartphone App | Captions", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Arabic user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Chinese user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the French user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the German user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Haitian Creole user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Hindi user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Italian user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Japanese user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Korean user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Polish user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Portuguese user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Russian user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Tamil user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Turkish user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Vietnamese user guide "Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Panelist Checklist for Zoom Meetings", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Technical Requirements for Speakers", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Tips for Presenters and Speakers", CLICK HERE.
To access the Brazilian Portuguese user guide "Tips for Presenters and Speakers", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "Tips for Presenters and Speakers", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Enabling the Interpretation Feature on Webex Desktop App | Host", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Enabling Interpretation on Webex in the Web Browser | Host", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Listen to Interpretation on Webex Desktop App", CLICK HERE.
To access the Spanish user guide "Listen to Interpretation on Webex Desktop App", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Listen to Interpretation on Webex Smartphone App", CLICK HERE.
To access the English user guide "Webex Guide for Interpreters", CLICK HERE.