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What's New at Interprenet?

Read all the latest from Interprenet, the global language service provider connecting the world with a distinct blend of human and tech-forward solutions.

Group 741
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November 20 2020

How did Covid-19 Affect Interpreters? (Part 1)

How did Covid-19 Affect Interpreters? @Interprefy and @interprenet collaborated on this video, featuring a few of...

November 13 2020


Rotary International Remote Interpretation Success

Rotary unites more than a million great minds around a shared purpose. Rotary's project of global humanitarian aid was...

October 26 2020


How did Covid-19 Affect Interpreters? (Part 2)

How did Covid-19 Affect Interpreters (Part II)? @Interprefy and @interprenet collaborated on this video, featuring...

October 25 2020

3 min read Solutions

Three Principles for Remote Interpreting Event Planning

As we near the final stretch of 2020, organizations worldwide are embracing change and adaptation like never before....