Interprenet turned five documents around over a weekend and provided translation in eleven different languages that required industry specific technical language for those documents. Finding translators with industry specific expertise for some of these languages is not always a simple task. Since Interprenet is tapped into the world's largest network of interpreters and translators, our team was able to get the job done.
This new client was extremely impressed with the skills of our linguists and editors, who anticipated translation complexities. So they efficiently consulted and collaborated with the client to address those concerns. The client commented: "Thank you so much for your work on that last big project. I was so impressed with the thoroughness of your translators as well as the customer service of Interprenet. I appreciate how you waste no time in providing a solution faster than I have ever received. I look forward to relying on Interprenet for all our future translation and interpretation needs."
If you seek a new provider of translation services, contact one of our team-members to get an account setup today.